Friday, October 29, 2010

Other Poems

School got out two o'clock,

collecting my bike,

she asked for a ride.

It was Kristi,

who lived down the block.

I mumbled, "Yes."

Without a notion, not a beat,

she took her place not upon the frame,

but upon the seat.

Surprised and perplexed, but nothing said,

for I was vexed.

Pedaling, standing as I could,

her hands on my waist,

we took a wobble, then off to the race.

Unsure, uncertain, then momentum build,

Laughing, rolling down the hill,

No worry of the tumble or the spill

nor the chance of getting hurt.

Her hands on my waist,

her black stockings, her long legs

stretching out

of that impossibly short skirt.

Safely arrived, she made her adieu.

No lingering, just "See you at school."

Kristi moved before the year's end.

Surprised and perplexed, but nothing said,

for I was vexed.

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