Thursday, June 19, 2008

An Ordinary Day

Crossing the street to the bakery, the woman was slowly walking, talking on a cell phone and carrying a white plastic bag. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Don't even know why I noticed her at all.

With baked goods secured, I headed back over to work.

"Did you see that woman?" came an excited yell.

"What woman?"

"The woman that's lying on the street." She gestured to the corner. Turning right around and hurrying to the corner, I saw exactly that. A young woman sprawled out, flat on her back. Because in this part of town one can see people in all states of inebriation, this is nothing out of the ordinary.

I ran over. My co-worker joined me. "Mam? Mam? Are you alright?" Nothing. Clearly, this woman was in deep trouble. Gray, ashen, lips a bit purple. She had "let go."

"Call 911!"

We kneeled over her, talking to her, repeating the same words.

Miraculously, an off duty EMT stops and began to access the situation.

He said little, but his somber expression said quite a lot.

Then the flashing lights, uniforms quickly exiting with equipment-the people who are going to fix everything. People we see as heroes and even angels of mercy.

Wires are attached. The body jerks to the electric kiss of life.

My companion- "See? She's movin." I look at him and whisper.

Two people talk to us. Disbelief. "He was just talking to her."The woman pointed to her tall companion who stood motionless and silent. Moments ago, they had agree to pick her up.

I couldn't watch anymore. We are all helpless, afraid. We babble, as if words can help.

I squeezed my car between the vehicles and headed home. A simple act I was very grateful for. Stunned, still reeling from the truth that this woman only moments ago was alive. She who began just an ordinary day; who had plans with friends for the evening. All that changed. Gone.

In the silent ride home, I said a prayer for her and wept.

Donne's words were not solace, but truth:

any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind;

and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;

it tolls for thee."

Monday, June 16, 2008

You're Not Listening

"People see me all the time
and they just can't remember how to act." -Dylan

True story from a colleague.

They had a slight technical glitch and a program failed to air. After music saved them from silence, the error was quickly corrected, an on air apology was given, and said program aired. A mere thirteen minutes separated scheduled and actual broadcast time.

Phone call.

Listener wants to know why program did not air.

Less-than-perfect announcer: Program did air, but was late due to technical problem.

Listener responds with silence. Was not happy with answer.
Other gems:

Or how a listener badgered for twenty minutes an announcer for a copy of a program which they neither possessed nor, if they did possess, could not make a copy for them because of copyright laws. Radio stations pay to air programs. That does not include distribution to listeners.

Finally, after being told no repeatedly in every way possible, the person finally asked,

"Aren't you a professional?"


When asked why film music was played, less-than-perfect announcer stated film music was just as serious a form as any other.

Seriously-trying-to-impress listener responds in both German and French that film music is "neither fish nor fowl." To that, "What about Prokofiev? He wrote film music."

Angry: "But he was a serious composer!!!"

"So, a composer is serious only in terms of the medium they write for? Besides, it's still orchestral music."

"But, film music is to support the film. It's not complete."

"Then why do we listen to the opera on the radio? Or in recordings?"

Listener was not happy and hung up.

Friday, June 13, 2008

What Game?

Went to my first Appalachian Power baseball game last week, but I couldn't tell you a single thing about the game.

When my buddy "Struggles" invited me to join him and friends in the box that his company uses at Appalachian Power Park, I said yes immediately. I have had invites to other games; usually ones that would have involved sitting in the baking sun, frying like an egg. But a company box? Count me in.

Struggles, the nickname is another story, is a master host with mad social skills. He can have everybody, regardless of age, rolling all night long. He keeps the mood fun and light. He is like the mythological Trickster. He can break all the rules, say almost anything, but does it in such a way that people find it charming. Truly enviable.

Feeling like I was above the fray (the beer helped a bit on that) I watched the endless stream of people pass below. This is a huge social event-a Regatta like party. To hell with bars, all you single people out there. This is the place. A ballpark becomes an open air singles bar. And singles there were in droves. Yikes!

Women were dressed to kill, some even wore dresses with high heels. High heels at a baseball game? Oh honey, work it.

The game ended. Don't ask me the score. I was too busy people watching. I ran into a friend and we talked about work, Captain Beefheart and ancient Sumerian myths, while watching the parade below like it was TV.

If this be local baseball, then ok. I get it.

One real critique: the hot dogs were so blah and $. Others agree.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

T Lev-ity

Tony Levin, recognized as one of the best bassists/musicians in the world, put up some amusing thoughts about recent King Crimson rehearsals.
May 24, Nashville
There's no experience quite like rehearsing with Crimson.
We're working on the classic material, not trying to write more yet - but some of it is so complex it's quite an effort to get it right.For me, a couple of the pieces from the recent albums I hadn't played on are proving very challenging indeed.
I even wrote to Trey Gunn (he'd played the bass parts) asking for some clues to the parts! I joked with Trey that to figure out the part I needed an abacus and a bottle of Advil.
As an example, here are some of my names for sections of the piece:
Trey's 28 Ramble - then 29, followed by Rising 15's.
C tone row in 5, triple offset with guitars, then backward.
E Boogalooga with Silent Seven followed by Variable 11's with door knocks in G.
And, from Level 5 there's the Blazing 11's RiffSplat on E, then inverted after two drum 11's.
As I said, there's nothing quite like rehearsing with Crimson!
(Note to self: learn to play parallel 7/8 and 5/8.)
Couple of thoughts:
If TL is having trouble, then the music is monstrous.
Fripp likes to demonstrate that he can tap out 5 and 7 simultaneously whilst holding a conversation; a little trick which he files under "division of attention." At the February seminar, Fripp made the hapless guitar students "thrack," meaning meters of 5 against 7. It really is a cool effect, but quite disconcerting the first couple of times through.
Well...the first 100 times through.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Mixed Messages

File under mixed messages:

*Listeners say the dernest things.

This listener began with how "blown away" she was about a recent show. "I thought I was picking up a program from New York." Excitedly, she asked about specific artists. Great and easy conversation.

Then, in the usual way the universe tends to treat me to keep me humble, regarding the non traditional Latino music featured, she said, "I'm not sure I even like it." She couldn't see me smiling on the other end.

I get that a lot.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Oh, You Dick

Cheney: " so I had Cheneys on both sides of the family, and we don’t even live in West Virginia, but…(laughs)…you can say those thing when you’re not running for reelection."

Oh Dickey Dick, you made a funny. Wow. That really hurt coming from a man who himself looks like the product of insect incest, shoots his friend on a hunting trip, and has been part of one of the most destructive and embarrassing administrations in history. Good going, man. Everything people thought about you, you have just proven them right.
Great way to end your term in office. Which we helped elect you to. Thanks. We appreciate it.
You just handed the election to the Dems.