Sunday, September 30, 2007
Get Thy Brain Eating Amoeba On
PHOENIX - It sounds like science fiction but it’s true: A killer amoeba living in lakes enters the body through the nose and attacks the brain where it feeds until you die.
Even though encounters with the microscopic bug are extraordinarily rare, it’s killed six boys and young men this year. The spike in cases has health officials concerned, and they are predicting more cases in the future.
“This is definitely something we need to track,” said Michael Beach, a specialist in recreational waterborne illnesses for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Dude, do you think so??????
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Get Thy Taser On
This story has been bothering me.
The one about the Florida student who was zapped by the cops at a Kerry forum.
I wasn't there and like 99 % of you, watched the video tape of this poor kid getting manhandled and tasered by what appeared to be ruthless police brutality. While I think the tasering of this kid was unjustifiable, what happened wasn't political oppression as much as it was some attention seeking idiot going for a great video. The whole act this guy was putting on wasn't real. Later it was revealed that kid that he was "a university student with a history of taping his own practical jokes" and "He apparently asked several questions - he went on for quite awhile - then he was asked to stop," university spokesman Steve Orlando said. "He had used his allotted time. His microphone was cut off, then he became upset." That part was apparent on the tape and what gave him away as a hoaxer. Yes, those questions about Skull and Bones membership are just burning, dude.
Why doth the E-mon care abouth such a subject so late upon the week?
Working in a public forum as I do, I can tell you that people with agendas rarely are open to dialogue, let alone other people's opinions (or feelings for that matter). I have fielded every kind of call from prank callers who tie up your time researching some obscure, nonexistent recording or some phantom piece that supposedly was aired on a dark Wednesday overnight. Or people who keep on asking the same question even though they get the same answer. Disingenuous.
When we give people a public forum, we invite all intelligent inquiry. We also get nutjobs with their own selfish, jackassish agendas. People screamed oppression: and those taken in by the hoax ranted and raved:
The dude probably downloaded from all the attention.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Burned to a Crisp
It is the end of the work week and I feel like crawling into a warm bath and sleeping there.
Coming home, it felt like a release from prison. I was glad to get back to a safe place, a place of trust-a soft place to land. Amen. Alleluia.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Southern Kitchen owner passes
The Southern Kitchen, though Kanawha City can claim her, is a Charleston landmark. Sad news today as we woke up to find out the owner passed away.
"Miss" Hersman, as we called her, owner and co-founder was always at the Southern Kitchen. Every time we dined in, she would always come by, say hello and ask how we were doing. Employees and family said she kept long hours, staying at her place sometimes until the wee hours, though she came in every morning promptly at 9 AM.
Back when I played in a band, sometimes the Kitchen was the only place open. It was a blast to roll into this old school joint and order up a huge breakfast-still one of the best things on the menu. Though we often made jokes about the food, the bar crowd all met one another after a long night of heavy partying.
Of course, sometimes the late nighters crossed paths with the early risers who in turn were followed by the post-church crowd. Every one, regardless of social status, feels welcome and comfortable in this virtual kitsch-o-thon of chicken nick knacks.
Some of the staff are so colorful, like "Marvelous" Marvin. A guy who has the charisma and charm of a Hollywood agent. A laugh riot.
I hope that the tradition continues. Some things should never change. One of them is the Southern Kitchen.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Skool Daze to the 2 Decade
Dear old golden rule days.
Since then, there have been three different music department heads, thankfully all of whom have been more or less supportive of my efforts. They could never get me a full-time gig-there was never enough of the pie to go around. I have seen private teachers, with countless students, many more than I ever had, still remain part-timers. C'est la vie.
There have been some nutjob teachers as well. One fruitcake that was hired to run the choir and teach a few classes. This guy was always using the expression, "What do you want? A cookie?" His students would tell me how he felt claustrophobic being surrounded by mountains. "I can't see the sun!", he would exclaim. Everybody knew the guy would detonate and he soon left after a few months.
I even heard stories of how students were being asked to run the group. This would be beyond the grasp of a student to organize, let alone run properly. It is futile to speculate, ruminate or wonder how all these decisions were made, but I am sure that the music department was seen as a financial drain not a gain. Words that were tossed about time and again. Words that finally came to fruition.
Sensing our discussion was going nowhere, it dawned on me that maybe I could illustrate my point by asking him to execute a simple scale, using the same fingering, in even time to a metronome. I showed him a C major scale in hopes of getting my point across.
Pilot to Bombardier, your excuses are failing. Over and out.
Trying not to hurt feelings, I try to wrap up the lesson with a diversionary tactic: "Well, we'll talk about this later." Experience has taught me not to wrestle with an ocean's wave nor to try to capture a cloud. The kid is alright, he just needs a bit of guidance. He'll adapt or short circuit when he figures out the work involved. Either way, I'm there to help. Or to suggest another "course" of action: drop the class.
Whatever the reason, that ship hath sailed.